Saturday, 5 May 2012

What Does Health Mean To You?

Health is about having a lifestyle consistent with who you want to be; to be able to do what you want, free from restrictions, as a direct result of your actions and decisions. To achieve this you need to be both physically and mentally healthy.

So what do I mean by this?

 To live in a manner consistent with who you want to be is about happiness.  In other words knowing who you want to be, then making sure the actions that you carry out in your life are consistent with that. For example, you decide to lose weight, as you were happier with yourself when you were 6kg lighter and while doing your weekly shopping in the supermarket you see some biscuits and you’re are tempted to buy them. . The question you need to ask yourself is eating these biscuits consistent with the person I want to be? The answer is NO.

To give an example of how a restriction might affect our lives, take something as simple as lower back pain. It can be debilitating for those who suffer from it…It can stop us playing our favourite sport, and going to the gym and then you might start putting on  unwanted weight, affecting your work and  even playing with the kids.  What would you do in this situation?

1) choose to soldier on and try to do what you can.

2)  to seek out a specialist to go after the root cause of the back pain as that improves your ability to do again all those things that you love.

What route would you rather take?

You are responsible for how you look and feel, so let’s start making healthy decisions to improve your health.

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