Saturday, 5 May 2012

Seven Steps To Goal setting

Achieving your goals is as about identifying what you want to achieve and then devising a plan and taking action. Just relying on motivation unfortunately is not enough, as motivation continuously changes day to day.

Here are seven steps to help you set and achieve your goals.


Step 1 - Ask yourself the right questions….

How much does achieving this goal mean to me?

What are the benefits of achieving this goal?

Imagine yourself feeling much happier, 6-12 months down the track – how is your life different? What things can YOU change to make yourself feel happier?

Are you prepared to do what it takes to do achieve this goal?


Step 2- Write them down. 

Research has shown that by writing goals down you are more likely to achieve them.

Step 3 – SMARTER. This is an acronym which will help you to effectively set goals and help create an action plan to achieve them.

Specific – make goals specific such as ‘I want to lose 10 kg’ or ‘I want to break 3hr30 in my next marathon. Don’t fall into the trap of writing vague goals such as ‘I want to be fitter’.

Measurable – you should be able to measure your progress so that you are achieving your goal.

Attractive – your goal must really have appeal for you, otherwise you are more likely to fail.

Realistic –make sure your goals are realistic so that they are achievable. Trying to lose 10 kg in the next 3 weeks is not achievable. So what is?  4 months would be more realistic.                   

Time-frame – you must be realistic when setting a time-frame. Set mini goals for each week to keep you on track, such as losing ½ kg to 1kg per week of weight.

 Evaluate – it is vital to reward your successful progress. The brain’s main function is to minimize danger and maximize rewards. By rewarding the progress it will help you create healthy new habits. It will also give you extra confidence and boost self-esteem that you can succeed as you tick off your mini goal.

 Re-set – once you have succeeded in reaching your goal, set new ones based on your new standards. Keeps the momentum going to keep demonstrating the new you!

Step 4- Tell your partner, closest friends and family to enlist their support. It will help you stay accountable and give you a small support group.

Step 5- Read goals daily if not weekly at least. 

Don’t leave it for once a year like most people.  By keeping it in the forefront of your mind it will help you stay focussed and achieve your goals.

Step 6- Take daily action towards your goal. Do what it takes …Demonstrate the new you.

Step 7- Set daily rituals

 Rituals are our daily habits which we must do, like brushing our teeth or showering. Rituals take time to become habits but when they do, they can change our lifestyle for the better. Once your rituals have become habits, you can swap them for another couple of rituals to replace them.

Jim Loehr, world-renowned performance psychologist, recommends the importance of selecting 2 or 3 rituals to help you succeed. Examples of rituals might be exercising for 20 minutes every morning before work, drinking 2 litres of water per day or eating 3 pieces of fresh fruit every day.

Research has shown that people who do not succeed in all their goals but who try again immediately achieve more goals over time than those people who succeeded at their first attempt. Psychologists say that it takes 5-7 attempts to achieve a goal. Relapse is part of the process of succeeding.

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