Saturday, 5 May 2012

6 Steps to Health and Performance

Our interventions are grounded in the peak of scientific research from performance, physiological and psychological sciences.

To help escalate your health and performance, here is our proven “6 Steps to Health and Performance” program. This has been developed to support healthy survival for our fast pace 24/7 modern lifestyles. For longevity and to sustain performance each of these six sections are most effective when integrated in their use. One section without the other is not effective.

This is a user-friendly system that is not intimidating and does not require hours of work. However, it does deliver in results and outcomes!

Step 1 - Responsibility. This is not necessarily about knowing what to do, it is about standing up and accepting that, if you want to change anything, YOU have to change first. It can take discipline, commitment and personal command to change. Do you set goals regularly…do you achieve them? Do you know what you value in your life? Do you have the integrity to hold yourself accountable to your deepest values?

Step 2 - Psychology. Scientists say we have 50,000-70,000 thoughts going round in our heads and less than 1000 are original. So what thoughts are going round in your head? Are they positive or negative? Are your thoughts holding you back, or helping you to take the next step? This is the step where we gain understanding of how our brains work and learn to challenge our ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and replace them with POTs (Positive Optimistic Thoughts). To do this we might learn strategies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and mindfulness to help us deal with anxiety.

Step 3 - Productivity. This is about being more productive in all areas of our lives. This means adopting strategies for time management, prioritisation strategies and energy management, so that we do more in less time. This leaves more time for us to do the things we want or love.

Step 4 - Nutrition. You can’t put low grade petrol and oil into your Aston Martin and expect your car to perform at its best, so why would you do the same to your body? Research has shown us that we can improve mood, energy level and alertness and boost the immune system through eating the right sort of food. Here we try to implement a few changes to our diets to fuel us effectively.

Step 5 - Movement. The body is designed to move to maintain optimal function This raises the simple question, “What is function?” To the personal trainer, function can be thought of as goal directed movement (Cech, and Martin 2002), or most simply stated, “Doing what you do”. The components that we need to focus on are incidental activity, cardio, strength training, posture, flexibility and most importantly, fun!

Step 6 - Recharge. The hardest step for us to master in the information age, also commonly known as the computer age. We are always ‘on’ and always connected- with mobiles, PDA, emails, internet and wireless connection laptops 24/7. There is a constant on demand connection, which makes it incredibly difficult to switch off at the end of the day. This section is all about being swithched ‘off’ and relaxing, so that we perform more effectively when we are ‘on’. How can you perform at your peak, continually, if you never slow down to rest? Here we try to implement daily, weekly, quarterly and annual strategies to help you recharge and feel refreshed and ready to go on all cylinders when you need to.

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